What are we Building?
Metaverse has gotten fast-tracked over the years especially due to the pandemic where users stayed more online, doing and searching for more things to be engaged with others, out of boredom as people just stayed connected on social media, games, and YouTube. Companies were geared up as the hype was so huge that everyone wanted some of that piece of “meta-pie”.
Mars: Metaverse Platform
What Mars: Metaverse is trying to tackle here is for users to be able to take part in and play the contents, enjoy lives in the virtual world as they can play sports, shop for clothes, make new friends, decorate their rooms, and so much more in our game. Simply put, “Make a Living”.
In the real world, there are countless things to do for nature that is already available; there are contents that people have created throughout history; a.k.a hobbies, leisure, competitions like leagues and Olympics. We believe that it works as the same mechanism in the virtual world as well. For the nature part, we are using our utmost power to create an environment that people would enjoy and create content that’s fun. For the other part, we are abling users to create content that they actually want to do.
Community of Builders?
So yeah, we are building a lot but we’ll need to build one together. Since the start of the project a year ago, we’ve been sharing our vision to create a new world with fun, one that will become a crucial part of our lives. Hoping our users partake and join our journey into building something unforeseen yet worth exploring. Because metaverse now is not just hyped without existence; people started realizing the concept of it and companies began to come up with initial products.

As for us, we are in the preparation of running the first alpha test soon, and it will be the first time our project to be tested by our community users and check whether our game platform is working as intended and getting expected results and so forth through the series of data analyzing A/B testing, functional and regression testing, and another whole bunch of tests and measurements. Then ta-da! the most important part of the test comes into play, the user feedback.
User feedback has been the most important part of the testing phase in the game development industry for decades or more. Because at the end of the day, it is all for the users who will play and enjoy the game and with all the technicality of passes and fails of the product, if it’s not enjoyable and/or fun, the whole project is meaningless. Where will the game, product, services, whatever you want to call it go without the users?
So join our crowd of believers, you can too be a builder.
tldr; Metaverse will be the central part of our lives and it’s coming, sooner than you think. Metaverse is living a life, to a greater extent, will replace many aspects of our lives and activities.
And this life you call it “Mars: Metaverse”, you get to build it, the future, the life, bridging the gap between the virtual and real-world.